Episode 9 of “Into the MadLand,” created by MadLad Films featuring Axial remote control cars, follows the journey of Graham Ladd and Ethan Kaiser as they embark on a new adventure to learn about off-roading on a smaller scale using Axial remote control cars. The episode highlights the intricacies of remote control cars, as Ladd and Kaiser learn about the different parts and components of the cars and how they affect performance on a small scale and how that translates over to their large scale full sized Jeep Gladiator. The use of close-up shots and expert commentary provides valuable insights into the world of remote control cars and offroading, making the episode both educational and entertaining. Overall, Episode 9 of “Into the MadLands” is a fascinating look into the world of remote control cars and the technology behind it, effectively showcasing the innovation and performance of Axial products.