Fu Dog Media | Ultra Select Medical Testimonial

MadLad Films is excited to release Fu Dog Media’s Customer Testimonial Video, featuring Ultra Select Medical.. With a true narrative, accurate realism, and witty video editing, MadLad Films is more than happy to produce the perfect customer testimonial video for your company! After all, we believe that you are the story’s hero; our job is to capture and showcase that.

Ultra Select Medical is a medical supplier company located in North Charleston, South Carolina. Their primary focus is ultrasound equipment, and not only do they sell it, but they service them as well. Ultra Select Medical is an essential and growing company because it’s recession-proof. After all, babies are constantly being born! Ultrasound technology is only advancing over time which is excellent for Ultra Select Medical. With their company’s advancement, they also needed to advance their website. They 100% vouch for Fu Dog’s website designing skills.

Ultra Select Medical says that Fu Dog Media has the “special sauce” as in confidence, excellent customer service, and a drive for perfection. Fu Dog media takes you through the process and gets your opinions, so everything turns out exactly how you want it.

When the website was finished, Ultra Select Medical has since seen a huge return on investment (ROI) and have been extremely pleased with its visual appearance and website traffic conversions. That’s why Fu Dog Media chose the best videographers in Charleston, MadLad Films, to capture this success story accurately and in a compelling way that is fun and easy to digest.

For more information about Ultra Select Medical, please feel free to check out their website at ultraselectmedical.com/ and you can find more information about Fu Dog Media at fudogmedia.net/

Do you have some amazing customer success stories that need to be highlighted? Hire MadLad Films for exceptional cinematography, affordable filming rates, and an all around great video experience from start to finish! Call 843-385-1440 for more business inquiries, and be sure to check out our Facebook Page at facebook.com/madladfilms and Instagram page at instagram.com/madladfilms/